E-mail letters from Leon, Nicaragua 1997

   May 21 - Back in Nicaragua again!

   May 25 - Sorting it out!

   May 26 - Yesterday we went to the beach at Corinto.

   May 27 - Mother's Day and a visit to the school

   June 4 - I moved to Ana's last night.

   June 7 - The Drought is over.

   June 13- " Chapter 3 in the lizard saga."

   June 28- "Somos sus hijas, Elenita, somos sus hijas.".

   July 4 - No hay garrob in Wenatch?

   July 24- Withdrawal Pains.

   July 28 - Bobbins, Bolso and Blobby!.

   August 2 - The wrap-up.

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