Lolli Teaches

Below is a list of the types of classes Lolli teaches. Or Click here for a list of classes currently scheduled to be taught by Lolli.

Lolli Jacobsen is available to give lectures or workshops in any of the following:

Fibers - the three major categories: Cellulose, Protein, and Synthetic. major characteristics, samples of raw fiber, processing, resulting yarns etc..

Yarns - a cut and paste to produce reference pages with information on: cotton, linen, and wool standard brands or regulars, recommended setts, uses, etc.

Warping - from the front, designing in the reed, raddle and paddle, sectional. When to use which, advantages, disadvantages, efficiency, etc.

Introduction to Pattern Drafting - understanding the parts: Threading, Treadling, Tie-Up, Draw down; and putting them to work for you.

Weave Structures - an overview of the basics: Plain Weave, Twill, Satin; An in depth discussion of any one, ie. Lace weaves, Summer Winter

Beginning to Intermediate Weaving - basics as well as techniques to make things quicker, easier, more efficient.

Boundweave - weft faced rug weave using overshot threadings. How to weave figures, etc.

Edges and Finishes - functional (washing, fulling, etc.) as well as structural (knotting, braiding, stitching). samples, suggestions

I can also teach workshops in, lecture and demonstrate on, and/or show slides of a variety of surface design processes including:

Dyes, Paints, Fibers - types, applications, color quality, best use, etc.

I have a special workshop in Dyeing for Handweavers.

Direct Application - of dyes and/or fabric paints to warps, wefts, fabrics.

Block Printing / Stamping - using "official" as well as found object / simple material blocks.

Simple Screen Printing - cut or torn paper, contac paper, stick ons, crayons...

Photo Screen Printing - simple photo processes that don't require fancy equipment (ie. photo dark rooms, etc.)

And I can teach Simple Bookbinding.

I can give slide lectures on a number of subjects such as:

Pacific Northwest Coast Native Textile Arts - The diverse and inspiring textiles of the native cultures of the Pacific Northwest. Includes baskets, bead work, button blankets, geometric and Chilkat twined robes of prestige and power.

Medieval and Renaissance Tapestry - from the Apocalypse of Anger to the apocalypse of the Renaissance

Coptic Tapestry - 1st to 12th Century tapestry weaving done by Egyptian Christians

Navajo Weaving - from Massacre Cave, to Bosque Redondo, to the trading post, to the present.

Weave a Real Peace - my work with a weaving cooperative in Nicaragua as well as development and alternative trade work of other members of the organization "Weave a Real Peace"

Ethnic and Historic Textiles to Inspire - a blitz slide show through textile history and design to stimulate and inspire us in our own work.

Quilts in American History - a quick trip through the styles and types of quilts that are so much a part of and reflection of American History.

I would be happy to send additional information on any of the above.

Fee structure: $200 per 4 to 8 hour day for workshops, $50 for Guild Meeting presentation (1 to 2 hours), but I am flexible. Let's talk.

Would appreciate help with transportation/gas money and a place to stay (in a home is fine),

How to reach me:

Phone numbers:

(707) 937 0352 (message machine)

(707) 961 1800 (Fort Bragg Fabric Studio. I answer if I'm there)

FAX (707) 937 1764 (at the Mendocino Art Center. I'll get it within a day or two)

E-mail click here

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